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  • Writer's pictureCarson Hawks

Example of Integration of the Marks of Ministry

Marks of Ministry:

A key aspect of ministry is the ability to interweave the various objectives listed in the Marks of Ministry into the life of the church. One way in which Ms. Hawks demonstrated this is illustrated by the introduction of the song “For Everyone Born, A Pace at the Table” by Shirley Erena Murray. Integration is important in achieving sustainable growth as it inherently interconnects word and deed, allowing for a rich, embodied experience. This song, the lyrics follow, has become our “Song of Thanksgiving” in preparation for the sacrament of communion. The “Marks’ exhibited by this beautiful hymn speaks to:

· Nurturing UCC Identity

o Exhibiting a commitment to the core values of the United Church of Christ: continuing testament, extravagant welcome, and changing lives.

· Engaging Sacred Stories and Traditions

o Bringing life to sacred stories and traditions in worship, proclamation, and witness.

o Leading faith formation effectively across generations.

· Working Together for Justice and Mercy

o Drawing on the ministry of Jesus Christ to confront injustice and oppression.

o Practicing the radical hospitality of God.

o Identifying and working to overcome explicit and implicit bias in the life of the Church.

o Understanding community context and navigating change with a community.

o Engaging in mission and outreach.

Yvonne Harrison - Moderator and Member of First Church Local Church Discernment Committee (LCDC) - First Church UCC - Phoenix

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