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  • Writer's pictureCarson Hawks

Participating in Theological Praxis

I have come to know Carson as someone who is safe to have theological conversations with. Interestingly, this is not always true for pastors/ministers. Many profess to be open-minded but take every opportunity to gently sway you to embrace their ideas. By contrast, Carson is truly open-minded in the sense that she can not only appreciate but find value in other theological perspectives. She meets each person just where they are in the given moment, listens without judgement, and shares without agenda. Best of all, she invites her conversation partner to be kind to themselves in the process of seeking and doubting. These conversations with Carson, both one-on-one and in a group class setting, have renewed my faith that the Christian church (and the UCC in particular) is capable of leaning into the big questions. She has helped me become so much more comfortable not just with UCC theology but with the process of asking theological questions. 

Nikki Norris - Member of First Church UCC - Phoenix


First Church Staff - August 2018

Carson is gentle in her approach towards others and is particularly aware and in tune with people who have experienced trauma. Carson draws people that are in the most need of acceptance and belonging and her gentle welcoming spirit is a safe place for them to be themselves. She epitomizes the UCC slogan of ‘extravagant welcome.’ She has a solid theology that is inclusive of all people and she articulates it in a way that is practical. Carson has a growth mindset and she listens and waits for the Spirit’s promptings.

Reverend Susan M Valiquette, Associate Pastor, First Church, UCC, Phoenix, Arizona

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Oct 20, 2020

Hello. This is a great-looking website, Carson! I will see you at your Ecclesiastical Council via Zoom! From Victoria Ubben.

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